Welcome to Son's Of Ipswich!
Currently undergoing reconstruction, so please bear with us.
Post our advertisment on the other sites you RP at!
It would be much appreciated, thank you.

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts `basic knowledge guidelines

Please come here first before you post an application or start to roleplay at all.[/u] There are rules here that need to be read and it also explains the plot in detail. Canon characters can be found here as well as all of the rules on the site and info on different creatures that you can choose from.

7 9 Plot (12.29.2011)
by Caleb Danvers
Dec 29, 2011 20:24:35 GMT -5
No New Posts `important alerts

Any news and announcements will be posted here from time to time. So keep a sharp eye on this board for any new news.

Sub-board: `activity checks

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No New Posts `staff chat

Here the staff discuss. Password required.

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No New Posts `archives

Old threads are stored here.

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No New Posts `plug in's - 1 Viewing

Come here to post your sites ad infomation here. Make sure to read the rules on advertising and affiliating to avoid your ad being removed. GUEST FRIENDLY!

Sub-boards: `first time adverts, `link backs, `afflilliates

174 186 I Remember Love (AU Breaking Dawn Site)
by IzzyAdmin
Mar 30, 2012 20:43:08 GMT -5
No New Posts `guest chat

Guest chat can take place here. Ask questions.

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts `the application - 1 Viewing

You can find the character profile outline here. When you are completed with it, post it back on this board and if you don't see your profile here anymore, that means you have been approved.

Sub-boards: `not finished applications, `trash bin

1 2 Application Outline
by Sarah Wenham
Dec 29, 2011 10:16:51 GMT -5
No New Posts `accepted applications

The profiles of all the accepted members are stored here.

Sub-boards: `canons, `witches & daughters of salem, `hunters, `humans, `creatures of the night, `shapeshifters, `angels & archangels, `others

8 16
No New Posts `face claim

Claim your celebrity face here, so no one else can steal your identity.

2 2
No New Posts `thread tracker

Here you come to post the threads that your character is in currently. And if that thread is closed, say closed. It helps to keep track of things and keeps things in order.

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No New Posts `plots

Have any ideas on a plot that might be interesting for other people to join on in with it? Want to ask someone to RP your characters bf or gf? Any character plot can be posted here and members can read them and decide if they wish to help you or not.

2 5 Caleb
by Sarah Wenham
Dec 29, 2011 16:45:33 GMT -5

Both a high school and a college.

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts `classrooms

Students make sure to get to class on time! Students come here to learn, others come to socialize.

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No New Posts `playing field

All types of sports are played out on the playing field.

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No New Posts `pool

The pool located inside Spencer Academy's boundries and this is were the Spencer Swim Team practices and meets are held. Mainly you see the Sons of Ipswich here they are all amazing swimmers and hold an important part on the team.

1 10 Shadows of the Past [Jade]
by Jade Danvers
Jan 3, 2012 17:27:53 GMT -5
No New Posts `gym

The school gym is an amazing size, since the school is already big itself. Basketball games are held here and homecoming and all other school activities.

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No New Posts `cafeteria

Here, come and get your food to fill those bellies! This place is open pretty much all the time and kids hang out here sometimes too.

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No New Posts `library

All types of books are located here.

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No New Posts `lounge rooms

Students can hang out here to study and do an all-nighter or hang around to just to do some socializing or take naps in between classes.

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No New Posts `study rooms

Get a private study room or use a public areas.

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No New Posts `on campus

A lot can go on around campus, whether in between classes or after them.

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No New Posts `locker rooms

The locker rooms are where peoples get changed, take showers and freshen up.

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No New Posts `dormitories

Dorms can either be co-ed or with single sexes.

Sub-boards: `male, `female, `co-ed, `showers

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts `putnam barn

Where it all began...

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No New Posts `colony house

This is where the Sons of Ipswich gather together for whatever reason. It's a place that is lit by many candles and it takes a lot of stairs to get down there. Reid, Caleb, Pogue and Tyler each have their own Colony meeting house.

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No New Posts `nicky'z

Nicky'z is a place where most of the school's students hang out. Play pool, eat, dance, do pretty much anything here.

1 2 The Return (Open)
by Dahlia Valencia
Jan 2, 2012 15:02:32 GMT -5
No New Posts `general store

The general store has a pharmacy and it contains food. So it is just a big grocery store and has pretty good prices. This is the main place that the students and townspeople go to for food and medicine and to stock up on goodies.

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No New Posts `motorcycle shop

Come here to buy a new motorcycle or to get one fixed. Pouge Parry usually hangs out around here.

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No New Posts `movie theaters

All of the latest movies can be viewed here, come here for dates or with friends.

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No New Posts `mall

This is a mini plaza and the biggest mall that is found in town. This is a true pip-skweek place, but the people in the town can't complain and it is a good little place to spend the day and watch a movie or enjoy the Victorian Gardens that the plaza is famous for.

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No New Posts `fairs, carnivals & theme parks - 1 Viewing

There are a quite of few amusement parks in the town, usually small fairs and carnivals.

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No New Posts `bowling alley

The bowling alley is loads of fun for any type of person, come here and have great fun with friends and/or family!

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No New Posts `warehouses

People come here to do number of multiple things to do. Be creative and think of something, either illegal parties, a place to hold a fight, or a concert.

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No New Posts `living areas

All sorts of living housing can be found in the city.

Sub-boards: `apartments, `mansions, `hotels, `houses, `abandoned motels, `danvers' mansion

1 3 but none of them were home (Caleb)
by Jade Danvers
Jan 3, 2012 11:30:43 GMT -5
No New Posts `public recreation center

Come here to either work out, play on the courts, swim or hold a formal party.

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No New Posts `pawn shop

Want to find a rare iten for a low price? Some items you can find at the pawn shoppe and get a good price on them. Or you can sell your goods. Though you get sucky prices when you sell your items.

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No New Posts `cosmic rave

This is a rave club for humans and creatures alike.

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No New Posts `dusty coyote

The Dusty Coyote is a human club where teens can hang out, dance and just go crazy and do pretty much whatever they want. Caleb Danvers works here.

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No New Posts `hospital

The hospital is where people go when they get extremely damaged or in a car accident or anything that can injure you. Come here and be nursed back to health again.

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No New Posts `bookstores & libraries

Book stores are everywhere that all can enjoy and go to chill out and buy a coffee or smoothie and enjoy a good book.

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No New Posts `cemeteries

Hold a lot of family members of the town, but a lot are abandoned now and rumored to be haunted.

1 7 Returning from the Grave [Open]
by Sarah Wenham
Jan 5, 2012 15:38:21 GMT -5
No New Posts `unowned land

A place located away from the city but known to many people. Known for holding raves, wild parties and the start usually around midnight and last till morning. Make sure you don't let the cops follow you there, everyone will get busted.

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No New Posts `streets & alleys - 1 Viewing

The streets can be lonely and quiet from loud to busy. Just don't walk into a dark alleyway...

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No New Posts `community parks

This is a wide-ranged beautiful park that is filled with plenty of nature and great scenery. Swings, slides, and other playground things are here for children to have fun at. Or come here at midnight and swing by yourself......

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No New Posts `howling screams

This is a rave club for werewolves. A bar is included and human is actually on the list of food. For most werewolves actually eat human flesh. Fights are held here as well, between the wolves and others bet on them for money.

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No New Posts `night owl

The club sounds just as it should for a club for vampires. Mostly vampires come to this club and it contains a bar with blood on the menu. Most humans are not allowed to get in even if they tried. A passcode is needed to get in and only vampires seem to know it.

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No New Posts `forests

The forests are beautiful and full of nature, though you might want to watch your back. Creatures of the night lurk throughout the woods...

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No New Posts `lakes & rivers

Come and enjoy a quick dip in the fresh lakes, or come here to read a book and breathe in the fresh air.

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No New Posts `beaches

Come enjoy fun in the sun and catch some waves!

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